Small Biz, Pro Teams & Big
Business Tips
Small Business Saturday - It's more than just a date; it's a big deal for anybody who believes in the power of local business. We may be a little biased, but we think that the Perma Blend Pro Team artists are some of the most talented around, PLUS they are constantly giving back to their communities. That’s what Small Business Saturday is all about!
These are the folks who truly embody the incredible potential locked within small businesses. Their artistry? Off the charts. Their dedication? Next level. Their journey is like Perma Blend's very own Cinderella story—starting from humble beginnings or different career paths altogether, to now owning the permanent makeup world.
To celebrate, we rounded up some of the best business tips straight from the source (a few of the Pro Team artists themselves). Here’s what they are doing to see huge success in their own local businesses!
Business Tips from Small
Biz Heroes
Being successful in art is one thing, but turning an artistic skillset into a business? That is some seriously tough work. Despite the odds, many of our Pro Team artists have made it to the top of the PMU biz, and they have learned a lot along the way.
But what’s at the top? Fame, riches, and luxury? Well, maybe, but what really stands out with our Pro Team is their unwavering support of their local communities. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing have elevated the world of permanent makeup, making it more accessible and more artful than ever before.
Carolina Zarate
Invest In Yourself, Not In Thinking About Others
We’ve all been there. You’re trying to run your race, but you can’t help but look around and see how fast everyone seems to be running. Carolina has some fantastic advice for us.
@esp.carolinazarateOpens a new window
Clara Medina
Find Your Why, Find Your Art
Inspiration is hard to come by these days. Clara Medina has an incredible tip on staying inspired and finding long-term fulfillment and success in yourself and your work.
@modernbeautyacadmyOpens a new window
Nikki Rice
Be Afraid, Then Do It Regardless
Nikki is a pro who’s done all you can do in the biz. Her advice is simple and absolutely stellar.
@motherofbladesOpens a new window
Vicky Martin
Help Others On Their Journey
Vicky is one of those artists that supports everyone. She’s kind, inclusive, and literally has a small biz built on helping people after reconstruction and transition surgeries! She is supporting her community, Small Business Saturday or not! It makes sense this is her beautiful advice.
Vicky’s Unstoppable Areola SetOpens a new window is the perfect reflection of who she is as a person. This set is designed to help those impacted by breast cancer or to empower those during a transition.
@vickymartinvmmOpens a new window
Carla Ricciardone
Set Boundaries and Eat Ice Cream
GOSH, setting boundaries with work and relationships and everything else is tough. We all need a Carla in our lives to hit us with the truth sometimes.
Plus, Carla’s Embody Opens a new window+ EnhanceOpens a new window dual sets are a game-changer. Her work is all about using warm and light tones to redefine and enhance lips (we promise your work won’t be the same once you try this).
@sculptedstudiosOpens a new window
Stevey G
Color Theory For Unlocked Creativity
Stevey G is a firm believer in understanding your craft in order to reach success. Marketing and hoopla can only get you so far- to be the best, you need to ink like the best.
Stevey G puts his money where his mouth is, too! His ReclaimOpens a new window + RestoreOpens a new window Sets are all about giving you the tools to work with any pigment, hair, and skin tone for hyper-realistic scalp work.
@steveyg_smpOpens a new window
Natalie Della-Verde
Meet People and Find Opportunities
Natalie is all about connecting with others (and we agree). Connections are key to growing any business, PMU included!
Oh, did we mention the exciting launch from Natalie just around the corner? Her new brow kit is specially designed for PMU for melanin-rich skin. When you go local, you’re supporting diversity and inclusivity.
@badgal.browsOpens a new window
Valentina Aldegheri
Test, Try, Love
Don’t forget to try new things, especially with your pigment mixes! It’s in the trying that you can discover something new, trendy, or just better your abilities.
@valentinaaldegheriOpens a new window
Big ThingsAre Poppin’
Supporting these artists is easier than you think. One of the best ways to support them is by checking out the products they've created! There are so many more artists with some incredible pigments, kits, sets, and master classes.
Visit our Pro Team page to see all of the artists making a difference and support them this Small
Business Saturday!