As some local governments begin to allow business to return to operations, the Body Art Education Alliance (BAEA)Opens a new window has suggested a three-phase guideline to help minimize the risk of transferring COVID-19. During all phases, please adhere to state and local guidance, as well as complementary guidance provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Phase One
For states and regions that satisfy the gating criteria.
- Employees must be screened for symptoms before each shift, before entering the facility. Anyone with symptoms is immediately excluded.
- Prior to opening, disinfect/sanitize all surfaces that may come in contact with customers and employees.
- Only allow customers by appointment-only (including legal guardian or witness from the same household, and employees in the establishment). Customers should maintain social distancing.
- Before the client enters the shop, ask questions regarding health.
- Employees in the establishment must wear face covering and artists should change face covering between customers.
- Customers entering the establishment must wear face covering, when practical, until the procedure is complete and the customer has exited the establishment.
- Follow CDC recommendations for disinfection, hygiene, air filtration, and social distancing.
- Toilet areas should be disinfected/sanitized regularly.
- Customers should wash and or/sanitize their hands before and after handling any papers, documents, pens, surfaces, keyboards, or devices.
- Prior to closing for the day, disinfect/sanitize all cleanable surfaces that may have come in contact with customers and employees.
- Shop owners should have written protocols visible to clients to read and follow.
Phase Two
For states and regions with no evidence of a rebound and that satisfy the gating criteria a second time.
- Employees must be screened for symptoms before each shift, before entering the facility. Anyone with symptoms is immediately excluded.
- Prior to opening, disinfect/sanitize all surfaces that may come in contact with customers and employees.
- Customers and non-customers (including legal guardian and witness) are allowed into the shop, as long as social distancing is maintained.
- Before anyone enters the shop, ask questions regarding health.
- Employees in the establishment must wear face covering and artists should change face covering between customers.
- Customers and non-customers entering the establishment should wear face covering, when practical, until the procedure is complete and they have exited the establishment.
- Follow CDC recommendations for disinfection, hygiene, air filtration, and social distancing.
- Toilet areas should be disinfected/sanitized regularly.
- Customers should wash and/or sanitize their hands before and after handling any papers, documents, pens, surfaces, keyboards, or devices.
- Shop owners should have written protocols visible to clients to read and follow.
*It is recommended that Phase Two practices be continued to avoid transfer of virus until local health authorities have determined that the level of community infection no longer warrants these extra precautions. Exercising control of hygiene at a higher level should become part of routine practice. Doing so will go far in maintaining customer safety and confidence that infection controls are a priority for the establishment.
Phase Three
For states and regions with no evidence of a rebound and that satisfy the gating criteria a third time.
- Prior to opening, disinfect/sanitize all surfaces that may come in contact with customers and employees.
- Walk-in customers welcome. Before anyone enters the shop, ask questions regarding health.
- Face covering is optional, but encouraged.
- Normal shop capacity. Follow CDC recommendations for disinfection, hygiene, air filtration, and social distancing.
- Toilet areas should be disinfected/sanitized regularly.
For more information please visit:
Alliance Of Professional Tattooists (Opens a new windowAPTOpens a new window)
Association of Professional Piercers (Opens a new windowAPP)Opens a new window
National Environmental Health Association (Opens a new windowNEHAOpens a new window)
Association of Food and Drug Officials (Opens a new windowAFDO)Opens a new window
Society Of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (Opens a new windowSPCP)Opens a new window