Roxana Mussina
I got acquainted with Perma Blend pigments 5 years ago, and to this day I work with pleasure on this brand. Due to the fact that the beauty industry and permanent makeup does not stand still, attending congresses, participating in championships, meeting fellow speakers from different countries, all of this, of course, motivated, inspired, and we tried different brands. I liked some for the packaging, some for the styling, somewhere attracted a lucrative offer, but I caught myself that no matter what I tried, my hands still reach for my favorite pigments, for mixes proven over the years! I would also like to attribute to the advantages of this brand that periodically new sets are released in collaboration with famous PM masters, which means that manufacturers listen to the wishes of professionals.
An important factor is the availability of certification, since we work with the face, besides this, the pigments fit gorgeous during the procedure, which provides comfort for the master, and of course the most important aspect is the beautiful healed colors that delight our clients on their face! But this is the most important thing!
There is a methodology, and it changes almost daily, since the direction does not stand still! What was relevant yesterday is outdated today! And I try to follow this carefully, and always give a little more than a person expects to receive.
The uniqueness of training is to convey to the student that he should not have a "ceiling", there is where to grow ALWAYS! And my training is just the start, it is not the end! A person must learn and develop, improve and work on himself every day! And not from Master class to master class. We go through topics that are relevant for every coach, but I try to convey the message as it would be clear to me when I didn't even know how to hold the typewriter. I try to bring in the "Feeling of Drive", sometimes they come to the promotion not for the technique, but for the Drive, and this is always a fresh breath of air.
What’s Your True Story?
I met with Perma Blend more than 5 years ago, and to this day, I work with pleasure on the brand's pigments. If you are just getting acquainted with this brand and do not know which shades to start with, I want to share my experience and favorites for eyebrows. I like Brunette, Espresso, Dark Fudge, Tina 6, Blackish Brown, and Dark Forest Brown. As you can see, there's plenty to choose from.
What's your favorite Perma Blend pigment?
It is difficult to identify favorites by lips, because there is a huge palette. Many masters from different countries would agree with me, since in the Perma Blend palette, you can find a shade for even the most pigmented lips!
Pay attention to the author/artist/s lip sets, they have exclusive shades! Lovers of permanent eyelid makeup should definitely appreciate Black Hole, because it is one of the blackest shades and it's also one of the most popular requests from our clients!
Before finding my favorites, I tried almost the entire palette, and I recommend that you do the same, and perhaps, you will find your own favorites.